VCUQ AiR 2011-12

In Qatar representation of the figure, or other creatures made by god is not a
universally accepted practice. This has led me to represent similar concerns of
private and public space from my thesis work into drawings and prints without
figures present. I have borrowed first person perspective from popular map based
videogames to reinterpret the environment around me. I chose this viewpoint as it
suggests a manner of exploration that is both familiar and omniscient. Through this
stylized viewpoint I am examining the hyper architecture of the rapidly developing
country of Qatar. Most of the buildings I inhabit and visit are digital in origin, in that
most have been designed inside and out by computer rendering programs.
The narrative of the drawings and prints reflects on the influence of digital
rendering on the way we use and see space. Through these drawings and prints I
will explore cultural distinctions between private and public space. In thinking
about the influence on Islamic design in particular I am researching the structure
of Islamic labyrinths present in many decorative designs, and using these as
influence to the larger structure of the project. In the end the project is examining
the very idea of exploration, and what a world looks like when it is just beginning
and/or coming to an end. This ominous feeling from looking at seemingly empty
space suggests a certain type of loss or isolation, but also an exciting anticipation of
what might be around the corner.